
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Happy 1Y6M Anniversary

Okay today is me and his one year six months anniversary. As usual, he will never give me surprise, except once before which is dunno when and when he was still chasing me. As usual again, he brought me to restaurant which is me and him never been before, and had our dinner there. Do I sound like I'm not satisfied? Yea I do but still I'm happy with it la ;)

He brought me to "The Hill" and had our "romantic" dinner there. I asked him if that's all for our anniversary and he says "isn't this place romantic?" with dunno what smile on his face. Okay lor you say so then I try to breath in the atmosphere of the romance in this restaurant. haha :P

I guess he was too hungry till he wanna eat up the menu too haha lol

Yay here comes to food! The Salad is ewww because I don't eat vege? Acutally not bad but I just don't eat vege! lol! We have also ordered lamb and the mint burger? I don't know what is that called actually but seriously, the burger is nice because of that mint sauce! :D

The lamb after finished by him. Two big bones is left on the bowl haha. 

Ps: Happy Anniversary baby xoxo

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

My Burger Lab

Today went to My Burger Lab and had our lunch there with baby and his friends. They reached there before us so they waited there for like 30mins already, and when we reached, we waited another 20mins, in order to eat that black bread burger! Okay let photos speak!

It's so juicy and delicious! Even now I still craving for it! I just have to stop diet the moment I start eating this burger! As you can see the bread is black in colour, they said its healthy! And one more thing I feel special about this shop is the sauce! I like their sauce lots ;)

I was trying to capture the crowd there lol.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Huiki's leaving for UK

Huiki is leaving for UK and so we have a farewell party with her at her house last night. Due to the event was held on Saturday, which Meeples would be very crowded and busy on that day, so my boyfriend and I were late when we reached there. They were all half drunken I supposed because most of their faces seemed red and all of the bottles of alcohol are empty *actually left 3/4 bottle if i'm not mistaken haha*

I always get red whenever I drink alcohol. Hmm...

We have fun that night but when thought about she's leaving soon the next day to UK, we were all so sad and unhappy. Moon jie is cheerful and always says:"One year very fast one la haha."

The next day, we went to airport and have our hugs and kisses there before she leaves. She cried again before going in and everyone of us almost cried too. My tears was rolling in eyes because I didn't know that I would be so sad to see the scene like this. Of course, I hold my tears because I will never let people see me crying.

Once she got into the airplane, she captured photo inside. When was the last time I sit airplane? Craving for it! ;)

 Last but not least, I hope that you're doing alright there and stay healthy and happy always! Take care Qiqi!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Meeples at KD

Hello! I'm back! Wow when was the last time I update my blog hmm? I was too busy with my college work, entertainment, and most importantly, i recently working for my boyfriend. *Well actually I was too lazy to update my blog lol haha*

Oh ya I am now working at my boyfriend's shop called "Meeples"! Huh? What was that? That is a European board game cafe where you can find 200++ of Europe board games and play it there, and if you like the game, you can even buy it! So, i'm the game coordinator there and my job is to teach customers on how to play games ;)

The me wearing Meeples shirt!

My jimuis all got come pong chiong! I'm posting their photos with those board games on my blog! Hehe!


Meeples is having promotion now! Do visit us at Kota Damansara yo! :D You may make a reservation too!

Hmm ok it's 3.32am now. Gotta sleep! Night peeps!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Shitty day

A wasted day I can only say to describe the terrible day. I slept at 9am this morning and woke up at 7pm at night. I had sore throat and feeling headache when I barely can get up from my bed. Seems like the time is torturing me as I didn't want to waste my whole day in sleeping and get up in the middle of the night, and nobody accompanies me?

I forced myself to pull my body up, sitting on the bed, and tried to make myself clear. I ate two panadols. Yea I'm sicked!

My face is full of pimples now and I blame the sickness! Alright I know i'm the one who sleeps in the morning everyday and wakes in the afternoon. So I should change my life from today onward! *Challenge accepted*

Baby brought me to One Utama and had a bowl of porridge as my dinner. At first I feel like eating porridge but when I saw the menu, I feel like eating this, eating that *but all those food are not healthy*. So baby forced me to eat porridge! Alright okay nvm. ;(

So the purpose of coming 1U was actually to shop! I love shopping! I feel like swiping my debit card without concerning how much money left in it. I went to a shop and bought a t-shirt! I like it so much and it suits the atmosphere during the CNY because the t-shirt is red in colour! Baby bought some from there too. Anyway I bought the t-shirt in superman ;)

Terrible thing happened. Someone called baby for DOTA! I hate DOTA a lot! He promised to let me shop until the shopping mall is closed. And yet, he said he wanted to try a hero and just for awhile. Yea you know, girls, say things that is opposite to the heart. I said nvm let's go and come back again tmr. Will have many chance don't worry. But then, I showed an upset face to him while on the way to cc.

I'm not so happy today and luckily I bought a t-shirt today or else today is gotta be one of the shitty days of my life.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year Eve for 2012

I'm not so into those celebration on any events like Halloween, Christmas or Chinese New Year. Hmm maybe it is due to my family especially my father who doesn't like these sort of things? I just know that every year on the week of CNY, he would bring us go oversea and travel around the country. But we stopped going overseas few years ago. I mean as in me and my siblings haha. He's still travelling as this is one of his biggest wishes.

So, how I celebrate my NYE this year? With book for my coming exam in 2 days? Nononono. Baby and I went for Ken's father's dinner with his gang of friends. Hmm actually I just think that baby and I were just to go there for food and nothing much we did there. Kinda boring but still, thanks for inviting. ;)

Well, I went to saloon to have a hair wash over there. I want to make myself look pretty in the year 2011 and 2012 lol. *I was actually giving excuse for being lazy to wash my grass of hair haha* I captured a lot of photos and I asked baby which pic looks the best. I was kinda annoying to him I supposed.

The me on that day ;)

Next stop, G6. Kinda regret to go there as I was not planning to buy drunk that night. My brain was just full of my coming exam. Oh yea there was soooooooooooooo many ppl and I barely breath when I was in there. I couldn't even turn my body, put my hands up or whatever. Sooo pack. ;( Went out to have fresh air and watched the firework when the clock strikes 12am. One more thing! I almost swallowed a small piece of paper when I was drinking alcohol and it was stuck in my throat! *cough cough* Thanks God i'm saved.

Okay gotta stop bullshitting about my life. Ciao