
Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year Eve for 2012

I'm not so into those celebration on any events like Halloween, Christmas or Chinese New Year. Hmm maybe it is due to my family especially my father who doesn't like these sort of things? I just know that every year on the week of CNY, he would bring us go oversea and travel around the country. But we stopped going overseas few years ago. I mean as in me and my siblings haha. He's still travelling as this is one of his biggest wishes.

So, how I celebrate my NYE this year? With book for my coming exam in 2 days? Nononono. Baby and I went for Ken's father's dinner with his gang of friends. Hmm actually I just think that baby and I were just to go there for food and nothing much we did there. Kinda boring but still, thanks for inviting. ;)

Well, I went to saloon to have a hair wash over there. I want to make myself look pretty in the year 2011 and 2012 lol. *I was actually giving excuse for being lazy to wash my grass of hair haha* I captured a lot of photos and I asked baby which pic looks the best. I was kinda annoying to him I supposed.

The me on that day ;)

Next stop, G6. Kinda regret to go there as I was not planning to buy drunk that night. My brain was just full of my coming exam. Oh yea there was soooooooooooooo many ppl and I barely breath when I was in there. I couldn't even turn my body, put my hands up or whatever. Sooo pack. ;( Went out to have fresh air and watched the firework when the clock strikes 12am. One more thing! I almost swallowed a small piece of paper when I was drinking alcohol and it was stuck in my throat! *cough cough* Thanks God i'm saved.

Okay gotta stop bullshitting about my life. Ciao

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