
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Party all night

I woke up really late today :( recently I found some quotes from fb and one of them really suits me, which is "I sleep late every night, and I regret it every morning." haha!

I had KfC as my brunch and watched the last 3 episodes of "Qun Ga Fok Lu Sao". :) Then time to go out with ji mui! First stop, we went to Desa Park City and get some fresh air first. And watched cute dogs running around!

Before that, have a cone of ice-cream first! Moon jie bought a bubble soup to play :)

The lion dog! Whoa look at that so many fur on its body! Just like a lion!

The husky gang! I found out dogs usually play around with their own type?

Next stop, Mel jie's house to pick her up. We played with her brother's child OMG he's sooooooooooooooo cute! Gogogo like his fans page!

David Baby

Her house has a cute dog too! When you shout BANG with your gun fingers pointing and the dog, it will act die and lay on the floor until you ask him wake up haha! But you have to have the dog food on your hand to order him haha!

The dog and Huiki's boyfriend, Ryan!

Dinner time! Went to Momo steamboat! I ate a lot cheese tofu coz I like it really much! You know what? I'm fatter! Okay I know I couldn't stop complaining that I'm fat but the truth is I'm fat! I'm so sad! Where have my skinny body gone?! Get back to the steamboat buffet.

During dinner, we planned to go MOVIDA @Sunway Giza to have fun! ;) So baby brought me back to change clothes and put my make up on! So here I transformed!

MOVIDA was sooooooooooooo packed! People mountain people sea! Well we went in and walked around and walked out. So, we decided to change place to Overtime.

As there were out of cards and dice in the shop, so we used hands to play games. We played 10,5,50 game :) Well the game is actually work like this. People who shout the right number(only multiple of 5 is allowed) then the person who sit beside has to drink one sip of alcohol. Then the turn would have to reverse it back so that he/she can make a revenge. Moon jie drank a lot haha!

One sip of alcohol makes my body goes hot. 1/5 glasses of alcohol makes my body goes red and hot. Half glasses of alcohol makes me laugh nonstop haha. Nights peep! :)

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Hang out with sister and friends

I had a nightmare yesterday night. I dreamed of a giant snake hunting for human. But the snake will only choose 10 people a day to be it's meal. It uses its smell to choose who it wanted to be its meal tonight and pull them out. I kept hiding when the snake came to my side. I was soooooo scared! Luckily I escaped and suddenly the scene changed to inside the airplane. The girl escaped from the snake too. In the end, the girl was eaten by the snake because the snake was in the airplane too. The end LOL!

Okay get back to the real world. Phew I felt myself is so blessed. I can sleep until 1pm and I don't have to be the snake's dinner haha. Then, went for lunch @China Town. The restaurant name is called Shin Kee's Beef Noodle. It is so delicious! People who can eat beef must try!

Drinking time. Phew super hot! You know what? I'm a eyebrow-less girl! HAHA! I have to draw my eyebrow before go out EVERYTIME! Of course, sometimes I don't draw and this is how I look like!

*Ehem you can only find out "my cannot be seen look* from my blog!*

Few hours later, my sister Suki called me and told me that she was stressed out and wants to sing K with me. Baby then dropped me to Sunway Pyramid and met her. She suddenly changes to watch movie. Then we watched Paranormal Activity 3. We were late for 15mins! The movie is better than Paranormal Activity 2? During the movie, I told my sister that most of the people in the cinema lay their head aside because they were too scared. My sister said, "ya, except you." lol.

Captured after movie in the movie hall! :D


After movie, went to have dinner @Asia Avenue. It was a korean restaurant. I ordered a lunch box. I like their rice very much. My sister ordered "On Fire" and it was actually a Korea Maggie Mee? My sister said it was SUPER SPICY and she couldn't bare with the spiciness! So ended up cannot finish haha.

She is real good in eating spicy food and NOW LOOK what face she got there! HAHA!

Camwhore time!

I was too ugly to take photo with my pretty sis! COVER COVER!

Look who is better in taking photo huh?


Baby came to fetch me and went to Cyber Cafe play Dota with friends. Of course, I do not know how to play. So I listen to music and facebook-ing hehe. Maybe I should try to find out what nice game to play in this cc huh?

After that, we went to meet Moon jie and her boyfriend to have our midnight movie @One Utama. We watched "You are the apple of my eye".

The movie is real nice! I like it super much! The movie is kinda sad in the end AWWWW!!!! :( I feel so sad for that guy! I think I have sad for half an hour after the movie show finished. This movie is nice! Go watch it! NOW! hehe ;)

Friday, October 28, 2011

Yum Cha & Mahjong

My breakfast for today was Nasi Lemak Ayam Goreng @Village Park! It was suggested by Baby as he was rushing for his appointment. We used 10mins to find for a parking slot! Baby said we should have walked there instead :( Anyway we used 15mins to finish our meal hehe.

Whole afternoon was a boring day because all activities were scheduled at night. During night time, Baby and I went to Huiki's house and gather for yum cha. While waiting for Huiki's boyfriend, we played Monopoly Deal. It is a card game and the game is fun to play!

Before yum cha, baby said he wanted to eat fried 'xi ham'. So i ate seafood tofu and fried 'cha xiu'. Aww I'm getting fatter again! I did not go gym for 3 days already! Sob. :(

Yum cha place is the lou dei fong @Sg Long :) 3 couples sitting together and chit chat haha. After went back Huiki's house, Moon jie wanted to play mahjong, so her boyfriend, me and baby 4 kaki played 1 round lol.

I did not win at all :( I 'xiu xiong gong' tim!

Woah 4am only go back home. Okay Tata!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Dinner buffet

I went to gym for 4 days straight as I am getting fatter and fatter. My arms my thigh my tummy were all bigger than before. And today I ate a lot too! So I decided to burn more calories but ended up I felt so dizzy and headache! The feeling is really not good at all. But because of this, I delayed the time and baby and I were late for the dinner!

Dinner? Yup his mum bought a groupon for us! It was a Japanese Buffet! He booked the time at 6pm but we were late for 2hours 30mins which is 8.30pm only we managed to reach that restaurant. It was located at the Great Eastern Mall. A 5secs journey took us 1 hour to get out of the trafiic jam! So overall, we stuck in the jam for 2hours ++! I took the beautiful angle of KLCC while jamming!

Opps I didn't capture and photos on food! Well the food was okay but not much choices. So yea night!

Origami session

Tonight as usual, went out yam cha with sisters (heartsbabe). I think that restaurant has became our heartsbabe's lou dei fong haha! Okay today was a bit special because out of sudden we had an origami session after our yam cha at Huiki & San house! :D

Huiki guided all of us by looking from the instructions. The steps are not really hard though when you succeed. So we had a little tiny obstacle in the second step lol. Still, Huiki figured it out! hehe. After that, she clipped it on her wall and tada! I took the pic :)

And I edited it. Hmm the meaning of it is Heartsbabe brings colourful to our world? Haha!

Goodnight world!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Happy 7th Month-Sary

Today is our 7th month-sary. It was kinda boring day still as he was too busy to work. I complained about how not special today and so... ya he brought me to Marche and we had our little celebration there. Well, not an anniversary right? So we didn't really went to somewhere special to celebrate. :)

The food there is yummy! Unfortunately, it was all meat i suppose? *except for the last pic ehem" I don't really like eating so much meat at the same time, so I didn't eat much. Anyway, thanks baby and happy 7th month-sary to us!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Hang out

This is my plan for this week! Must must must! I made this yesterday and too bad I couldn't make it!! >

Night time baby bring me to join his dinner with his friends. Krens, chong de, teng Wei and a girl I don't know her name o.

I wanted to gam fei and no food after 7pm! So the buffet didn't count me in hehe, but I curi-curi eat le a bowl of Yee min! :( eat porridge whole day and no food after 7pm fail :(

I didn't exercise and lose 150 calories!! I fail again :(

After dinner, we went for pool. They all so good let me to have second chance if I can't poke in to hole. Haha bai ming let me win jek! (^◇^)

Yum cha session at overtime! Should be beer session? Hehe

We played Chou Dai Di :) I drank only half glasses of beer and I feel hot and dizzy le @@ I ask baby what beer lai d, he said very smooth de beer liao. (*_*)

Ps: no do sit up before sleep. Fail again lol~


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

SG with Heartsbabe

3 months waiting for a 3 days trip to Singapore with my beloved sis. Not more than 3 hours of sleeping time We have to wake up and ready up!

Tiger airway! Most of the ppl do enjoy travel through airplane. Should I say yes or no? Yes, I love the feel when the airplane flying up high. But the only thing is that my head would get bursting when the plane is about to it's arrival. Seriously, it is really really pain. I cried when I sat on the airplane lol. Lucky to say that, I didnt feel the pain when I arrived to SG! Hehe )^o^(

First Day

It was actually a surprise to Lara Jie's 21st birthday and we didnt let her know about all this plan to SG. But when we reached SG, the bad news was, she knew it already. :(

After checked in to our hotel, we went to her house and visited her family and picked her up. Then we went for dinner together :D Before that, we tried the pearl milk tea KOI. I think they put too much pearl and it makes me feel annoyed as I couldn't enjoy the milk properly.

Baby is always lacked of water. He will never stop drinking when there is water with him. Of coz only sugar water can attract him.

Dinner tonight is chinese food @hong kong restaurant. No food pic xD

It's time to go back hehe! Good night! *Erm what I written don't seem complete but I roughly write lar :D it's not an essay what xD LOL~~*

Day 2

Woke up, brushed up, dressed up, make up and it's time to go out! We hunt for breakfast first. We ate food nearby our hotel which are nasi lemak, bihun, mee and etc. After that, baby wanted to buy cupcakes and they are cute!

We wanted to go for shopping and Lara Jie brought us to a new open shopping mall to walk around. Hmm as a Malaysian I think that it's really expensive to shop there. The shopping mall is not really good to shop too as we all seem bored.

Baby wanted to buy ice cream when he sees the ice cream seems delicious. Oh ya baby is a dessert hunter too! He is the one to blame when I look fatter! Let's see the ice cream first :)

During night time, we went to eat steamboat as our dinner. No food pic again coz lazy xD go to my fb tagged photos see lar :p

After that, Mel Jie is not feeling well and so baby, wawa and I went back to the hotel first. It was really a tiring day. We walked nonstop for the whole day and my leg felt like gonna break!

When the rest of them returned, they said Bugis mall has many nice things to buy and San bought a pair of high heels there. Aww I wanted to shop too! They decided to go there next day hehe <3 Day 3

Yay shopping time! I was so excited! Can't wait to sapu all~

Photo captured before going out.

On the way using MRT :) oh ya each of us bought a MRT card. I calculated that each of us used around RM70-RM100 for only transportation in SG! Baby asked me not to convert and enjoy as much as I can. But I just couldn't stop converting the unit from $ to RM haha.

On the way I saw this. PORK sushi?! Pork is my fav! Too bad they said it was just one of the seafood. I hate seafood x.x except sharkfin hehe.

I must admit that I am a shopaholic. I bought handful of things on my hand. I just feel so good and happy when I bought something. Whenever im sad, as long as I can get to buy something even if I don't really like or I'm not gonna use it, I will feel happy. Should I consult a physco? I feel myself bian tai xD

When I was looking for nice clothes, Lara Jie suddenly pass me a rabbit toy and I was stunned. She said it was a gift to me. Then she gift every of my Jie mei too. Thanks Jie! <3

While shopping, baby and the other guys went to buy groceries to get prepared for our BBQ tonight! Yes our dinner tonight is BBQ!

During BBQ, we open pop song and play firecracker xD

In the middle of the BBQ, some of us camwhore~

The last one was edited by Lara jie. Hehe thanks jie <3 I think that I look ugly and so i didn't post on FB. So I only post here xD so next time wanna view more of the pic, do visit my blog o =X Day 4

Time flies. Tonight we will be going back to Malaysia :(

Photo taken before we check out hotel.

We Went to Lara Jie's house nearby shopping mall and walk around. We bought souvenir for our friends and family too.

Baby see milk tea shop and wanted to try lol. This pearl milk tea shop name is called Gong Cha. Quite nice and special. :)

Toilet take pic :)

I only manage to upload photos from my phone. The rest can be viewed at my fb :)

Its time to go back to MY. After goodbye session, I have to worry about the airplane headache. Lucky to say again that I don't feel pain hehe!

Our arrival to Malaysia!

After all it was a nice trip with my heartsbabe. Only thing is that I couldn't get to universal studio. I wanted to go there :( But I don't think I have the courage to ride those roller coaster. Haha! XD