
Monday, December 27, 2010

Daniel's Birthday Celebration!

Today is Daniel's birthday and we planned to celebrate his birthday at Library @ MidValley. Before that, we have our dinner @ Hokkaido first. Huiki and I shared the same meal because we were not that hungry.

It's time for alcohol! Omg they ordered so many jugs for only 6 of us! There are still more behind this lol.

Okay we started our game and we played 5 10. Daniel lose a lot and he drank the most haha! I tried my very best to not lose the game coz I know i'm not good in drinking.

In the middle of the game, I think Yoro started to get blur as he showed 2 when it was his turn. We were stunned for half a second because we thought there were only 5 10 15 20 and so on. And so he kena another glass of alcohol haha.

Picture of us while we were still awake :D

Me and the birthday boy Daniel

Okay my face started to get red and my body was super hot as soon as I finish one full glass of beer. I wasn't drunk yet but I was just a little bit of dizzy and hot.

My head started to get heavier and heavier! I was like energy-less and if you poke my head my head will be totally fall and hard to up again lol.

Both of us dizzy! HAHA!

We went to mamak and chill there for awhile to have some fresh air.

The guys wanted to shisha :D They are so pro in shisha! I don't want to because i'm suck in shisha! I just want to eat haha! =X

Me and my lovely laopo :D She took care of me everytime I got drunk! She was dizzy and a bit drunk too haha. Hearts her ♥

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