
Monday, December 27, 2010

Daniel's Birthday Celebration!

Today is Daniel's birthday and we planned to celebrate his birthday at Library @ MidValley. Before that, we have our dinner @ Hokkaido first. Huiki and I shared the same meal because we were not that hungry.

It's time for alcohol! Omg they ordered so many jugs for only 6 of us! There are still more behind this lol.

Okay we started our game and we played 5 10. Daniel lose a lot and he drank the most haha! I tried my very best to not lose the game coz I know i'm not good in drinking.

In the middle of the game, I think Yoro started to get blur as he showed 2 when it was his turn. We were stunned for half a second because we thought there were only 5 10 15 20 and so on. And so he kena another glass of alcohol haha.

Picture of us while we were still awake :D

Me and the birthday boy Daniel

Okay my face started to get red and my body was super hot as soon as I finish one full glass of beer. I wasn't drunk yet but I was just a little bit of dizzy and hot.

My head started to get heavier and heavier! I was like energy-less and if you poke my head my head will be totally fall and hard to up again lol.

Both of us dizzy! HAHA!

We went to mamak and chill there for awhile to have some fresh air.

The guys wanted to shisha :D They are so pro in shisha! I don't want to because i'm suck in shisha! I just want to eat haha! =X

Me and my lovely laopo :D She took care of me everytime I got drunk! She was dizzy and a bit drunk too haha. Hearts her ♥

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Countdown at Genting

San and Huiki were forced to go genting countdown by her mom because her mom scared they would go somewhere dangerous like clubbing =X Of coz i followed them to genting lar~

While waiting for check in to hotel, we walked around first :) Wasehhh soooo many people and we waited for about 2 hours already.

After we checked in, we get ourselves ready~ Tie hair, make up, camwhore... haha! :P The hair sooooo nice! Hair and photo also credits to Huiki :)

We still thinking about whether want to go outdoor play or not. But the whether seems nice and so we bought the tickets :) we were queing for the flying chair! We played a lot of times haha. We played flying chair and pirate ship the most! xD

While queing for the pirate ship :)

It's time for dinner! We went to Ah Yat Bao Yu Restaurant and have our dinner there. Their aunt treated me but we didnt eat that much and I forgot why lol. I think it was because of the nasi lemak we ate while we playing outdoor :D Then we headed back to hotel and have a little rest :)

After the rest, we went to outdoor again and continue syiok sendiri lol. Because only three of us and we feel kinda bo liao haha.

Play until night time jor~ Shievering! So colddddddddddd! Still can tahan lar xD

Me and Huiki! :D Credits to Huiki too :)

Pirate ship again haha. Can you all see the deer hairband? We bought it and wore it for not even half day then dunno dump where jor? We just wanted to take picture of it only haha xD

The shadow while walking up to pirate ship there

12am is coming and we went to the front door of Genting and waited for 12am. Everyone there was like shiok sendiri standing infront of the door and when 12am has came, the atmosphere there was like ".... .... .... .... .... ...." because no fireworks are allowed, no sprays are allowed! I don't even know 12am have passed!

Then we called it a day :D still fun though with my ji muis :) Its time to sleep and I want to end my post with my fav picture of that day!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Kerlyn Jie coming

First Day

Kerlyn jie has arrived from sg to san's house but the sun has already set and therefore we decided to have fun nearby a restaurant @ Station 1. We ordered 2 tongs of tigers but with only 4.5% of alcohol. At first we played a game called Truth or Dare without choosing truth using the poker cards.

As we have 9 peoples there, we took out 1-9 and a King card and let the King decide what the number(s) have to do and King can only choose 2 ppl the max. Why do we have 1-9 cards? Because we want to let King also have the chance to kena haha. During the game, it was so fun and I really LMAO and ROFL because of those dares they made were so funny! They have to stand infront of the station 1 and do something that is lame lol.

Then we played another game called police and killer which the King is known as Police and the Ace is known as killer. The rest of the random numbers are normal citizen who are ready to be killed by the killer and the police have to catch the killer before 3 citizens were gone. How to kill? Everyone has to keep quiet and stares at each other and the killer has to give signal with eyes or hand without letting the police know. The police then need to concentrate finding who the killer was.

The loser has to drink full cup of tigers and when the alcohol was out, we headed back home.

Second Day

Kerlyn wanted to buy shirts at Malaysia and so we brought her to Time Square and accompanied her to shop. Before that we went to have our brunch first. :)

It was soooooo tiring because of my shoes :( My leg was hurt and I just want to sit and rest so badly. I have also no mood to shop at all lol.

After the shopping session, we went to have dinner at somewhere (I don't know) to have our dinner. But we were there too early so we gathered at KFC and bought some snacks to eat. Kerlyn jie and her brother are vegetarians. San's family treated everyone of us for tonight's dinner at a vegetarian restaurant. The food there was very nice although it wasn't a real meat haha.

We went to Look-Out-Point right after the dinner. Actually it was a random decision we made as we didn't want to go back home that early. The view there are really nice and we made a lot of pose when we were taking pictures haha.

The girls including me didn't know how to shisha at first. But after the guys have taught us, they seem very pro le except me :( Maybe i have no talent on smoking? XD

We still don't wanna go back home as it was still very early and everyone of us was still very hyper. We used a lot of time and brain sauces thinking where to go where to go and we ended up at station 1 again. But everyone of us suddenly look really tired when we reached there. It wasn't as fun as the first day and after a few rounds of police and thief game, we went back home and sleep :D

Third Day

Today is our special day... Because we heartsbabe wore the same shirt HELLO KITTY! Kinda funny but a good experience though while we still young? Haha! Our first stop today is pet shop which is located at Sg Long named Pets Kingdom. Kerlyn jie wanna buy some clothes for her dog. I was shocked when I got in to the shop because there were dogs running around. They were so cute!

At One Utama :) We were stopped by a pretty girl who requested us to take photo for the ipod contest. They were doing a function for apple products i think. Then we took a lot of time there to let them help some of us make up :D I don't really like the make up. It makes me look older!

Melody jie and Karen's baby! He is the king in their house haha! He is super duper zuper cute leh! I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee him so much!

Dinner time! :D We went to Sunway Giza shopping mall's Fullhouse to have our heartsbabe dinner! Hmm Huiki, San and I order 2 plates of food and one of them tasted YUCK! Then the manager heard what we commented about the food? And he said he will change it for us haha :)After dinner we took a lot of pictures!

*finally updated*

P/S: I Love all my jie meis =)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Sanctuary at The Curve

San is graduating tonight and it was held at Sunway Hotel Resort. So Huiki and I took the advatanges of this to have fun tonight outside :D We went to Sanctuary@ The Curve there and chill chill with Hiro :) San's friends were then suddenly popped out and said that it was a coincident that they were planning to come here too! haha :X

The fire is burning and all of us have to suck everything up before the fire gone!

I guess i was a bit drunk :P Not drunk lar... Red and hot only~