
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Community Service at Zoo Negara!

Last night was staying overnight at Chew Liang house because the next morning which is today, we have a group project on doing community service at Zoo Negara. Our group consists of 8 people, 4 girls and 4 boys, so four girls including me stayed at Chew Liang house.

The next morning, three of them purposely wake me up after they have done preparing. Because I do things slow they didn’t want to let me in toilet first! Bad xian xian, violet and chew liang! But I wasn’t that slow as I finished everything within 45mins! Hehe~ And the guys were late to fetch us!

Two cars were heading to Zoo Negara with smiley faces~ I was so hungry and therefore we stopped at McD and had our breakfast.

Wow the expensive morning set! Because today is weekend L

As we reached there, we registered and waiting for the instructors to come and guide us on where to do our community service.

Few mins later, the instructors came and separated us into different groups to different parts. Luckily I was still with xian xian
J Jia Wen was with us too!

First thing we were asked to do was sweeping the floor. While sweeping, Xian and I were complaining nonstop and Jia Wen said he wants to slap both of us and said we 娇生惯养,千金小姐 == The most tiring thing was we have to do this community service for 8 hours.

Next, the workers asked Jia Wen and I to go inside the giraffe place and sweep the floor again == I was so scared and frightened by the giraffe as the giraffes like to follow human lol. The worker immediately asked me to go out from there haha. Phew I don’t have to sweep the floor.

Jia Wen :)

Then Xian and I pick up the branches onto the trolley and throw it to the rubbish bin. Xian picked it branch by branch coz she said she wants to waste time haha. Nobody knows next work might be a disgusting one? But I was so tired to walk so many rounds so I terus take as many branches as I can and throw to the trolley then went to rest on the chair. Manatau that supervisor saw me sitting down resting and xian xian still doing the work. Xian xian said he beh song me == HENG!

Take 2 with giraffe behind me! ;D

After finished picking up the branches, the workers brought us to the elephant there and asked us to shower the elephant == I was so scared of them but still I have to do it! But I found that the elephants were actually really super cute! The worker asked them to lie down then they lie down, the worker ask them to up right leg then they lifted their right leg. Love it!

The other groups that were separated and the animals that the camera man have captured

Rest time! It was like finally! ;D All of us went to canteen and have some rest. Everyone was complaining that they were suffering because they clean shits for the animals! They said it was extremely smelly. Then I started to scare of what work I will be doing after rest.

After rest, we were asked to throw the spoilt leaf *dunno wad leaf*. He asked us not to do it so fast coz he doesn’t know what other work he can ask us to do anymore. But still the work is too easy and we finished it within 15mins. Then we sell the dunno wad leaf (leaf that is not spoilt) to the visitors in Zoo Negara to feed the giraffe for fun. We sat there for almost 2 hours and finally rest time again!

We did the community service for around 5 hours instead of 8 as the weather wasn’t good. So we go back lur!!~~~ xD But everyone was tired and exhausted so we went back with a x smiley face~ But before that, group pics is a MUST! hehe :)


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