
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My really first accident

Today was the first day of my mid-term exam, English! We have only 1 hour to do the exam and I couldn’t finish it :( I used 30mins on reading and 30mins on essay. We are supposed to use 40mins in essay part but I really have not enough of time to do it! So I ended up with a kid essay with a really sucks conclusion. The conclusion is something like “In conclusion, we should blablabla and not to blablabla.” END! Lolz wish me luck!

After exam, my sister and I went to Sunway Pyramid and watched a movie. We used lots of time on deciding which movie to watch. Recently the cinema doesn’t have any new interesting movie to watch. So, we chose the movie “Eat Pray Love”. We didn’t really feel like watching this movie but we have no other choices x.x

In the cinema, I was shivering nonstop and I was having flu. I was wiping off my nose’s mucus until the nose gonna drop soon == For most of the movie, the duration is about 1 hour and 30mins. After 1hour and 40mins, the movie was like telling me “MWAHAHAHA NOT GONNA LET U GO SO FAST!” coz the story line was like still halfway only ==

Two hours later, I asked my sister “Eh! When is this movie gonna end?! Freaking boring leh! The director thought this show Avatar meh! Not interesting at all you let me watch so long!” My sister laughing nonstop lol…

After the movie, I was like FINALLY! And the show was 2 hours and 30mins long! Then we headed to Italiannies Restaurant because my sister said the food in the movie just now looks nice and the food was from Italy.

It was cheap. Appetizer + main course cost us RM30 plus only. We shared the set meal together coz we knew that we can’t finish it.

He was serving us the bread :)

Look at my nose... Redish~

My favorite carbonara spaghetti! YUMMY!

After that, we went to Leisure Mall and have my haircut there~ I feel like dying my hair again but I have no money and my hair is really spoilt. So I think I will dye it next year hehe


During night time, it was around 11pm I think. My sister and I were hungry as we had our dinner too early just now. We went out to have our very late dinner also known as supper haha. On the way back, we had a car accident nearby Connaught. The lorry from the back bang us and it was actually bang on the left side of our car where I was sitting. Then our car was turning 360 degree with a very high speed and bang to the divider.

My eyes were opening so big that I stunned inside and of coz my sister has the same reaction too. Few seconds later, my sisters and I look at each other and when I back to the reality, what I think of is not about my safety, I thought of my daddy. I could really imagine his angry face now!
Within 3mins, many cars stopped by and look for the situation. At first we didn’t want to get out from the car coz we scared of those robbers or whatever bad people. They convinced us and finally we willing to get out of the car and they told us the situation.

They said they saw us for the whole accident. They were one gang of friends and they said the Malays (lorry driver and his friends) were really fierce at first, but after they dunno tell the lorry driver and his friends what, the Malays said nvm and went off. And coincidently, the gang are people who working at those car repair punya. So they said they help us settle everything by insurance. They called our parents and we settled everything there.

Till then I thought of how blessed we are that we were still breathing.

1 comment:

  1. thank god both of you are still here with us.. your status update really shocked me.. :(
