
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Community Service at Zoo Negara!

Last night was staying overnight at Chew Liang house because the next morning which is today, we have a group project on doing community service at Zoo Negara. Our group consists of 8 people, 4 girls and 4 boys, so four girls including me stayed at Chew Liang house.

The next morning, three of them purposely wake me up after they have done preparing. Because I do things slow they didn’t want to let me in toilet first! Bad xian xian, violet and chew liang! But I wasn’t that slow as I finished everything within 45mins! Hehe~ And the guys were late to fetch us!

Two cars were heading to Zoo Negara with smiley faces~ I was so hungry and therefore we stopped at McD and had our breakfast.

Wow the expensive morning set! Because today is weekend L

As we reached there, we registered and waiting for the instructors to come and guide us on where to do our community service.

Few mins later, the instructors came and separated us into different groups to different parts. Luckily I was still with xian xian
J Jia Wen was with us too!

First thing we were asked to do was sweeping the floor. While sweeping, Xian and I were complaining nonstop and Jia Wen said he wants to slap both of us and said we 娇生惯养,千金小姐 == The most tiring thing was we have to do this community service for 8 hours.

Next, the workers asked Jia Wen and I to go inside the giraffe place and sweep the floor again == I was so scared and frightened by the giraffe as the giraffes like to follow human lol. The worker immediately asked me to go out from there haha. Phew I don’t have to sweep the floor.

Jia Wen :)

Then Xian and I pick up the branches onto the trolley and throw it to the rubbish bin. Xian picked it branch by branch coz she said she wants to waste time haha. Nobody knows next work might be a disgusting one? But I was so tired to walk so many rounds so I terus take as many branches as I can and throw to the trolley then went to rest on the chair. Manatau that supervisor saw me sitting down resting and xian xian still doing the work. Xian xian said he beh song me == HENG!

Take 2 with giraffe behind me! ;D

After finished picking up the branches, the workers brought us to the elephant there and asked us to shower the elephant == I was so scared of them but still I have to do it! But I found that the elephants were actually really super cute! The worker asked them to lie down then they lie down, the worker ask them to up right leg then they lifted their right leg. Love it!

The other groups that were separated and the animals that the camera man have captured

Rest time! It was like finally! ;D All of us went to canteen and have some rest. Everyone was complaining that they were suffering because they clean shits for the animals! They said it was extremely smelly. Then I started to scare of what work I will be doing after rest.

After rest, we were asked to throw the spoilt leaf *dunno wad leaf*. He asked us not to do it so fast coz he doesn’t know what other work he can ask us to do anymore. But still the work is too easy and we finished it within 15mins. Then we sell the dunno wad leaf (leaf that is not spoilt) to the visitors in Zoo Negara to feed the giraffe for fun. We sat there for almost 2 hours and finally rest time again!

We did the community service for around 5 hours instead of 8 as the weather wasn’t good. So we go back lur!!~~~ xD But everyone was tired and exhausted so we went back with a x smiley face~ But before that, group pics is a MUST! hehe :)


Monday, September 20, 2010


Last night I was sooooo thirsty when I was lying on my bed but the laziness stopped me from getting me off from my bed to get some water and so finally I fell asleep. I had a weird dream swt. I drank 2 full cups of warm water nonstop and the dream inside me was soooo thirsty! When I woke up from bed, my throat was dry like I wanted to shout "I NEEEEEEED WATER!" Then I terus went to kitchen and drank 2 cups of water haha!

I stayed overnight at Wendy's house and so today I went to college from there. My classmates decided to skip the first class which is moral ;) we were then breakfast at Wong Kok restaurant which is located at my college! Starbucks, Baskin Robbin, Famous Amos and many other shops are opening soon. Hope to see all shops before I graduate my foundation course :( no one knows I might not be studying in this college anymore?

I wasn't that hungry and so I just ordered a dessert, Mango Honeydew Sago.

After the dessert I felt like I was locked in to a refrigerator. So I wanted to order food but I scared that I couldn't finish everything. Then I heard an angel voice which was Elaine asking me whether want to share with her or not~ Of course I do ;)

Hiak hiak four dishes above are set meal which costs only RM9.90! Cheap right? hehe! Eventually I ate only 4-5 mouthful of rice as I don't feel like eating anymore :( I'm sorry Elaine for letting you eat so much haha.

After college, which was only 2pm. I went to Sunway Pyramid with my classmates to have our lunch at Gasoline restaurant. I wasn't hungry still and so Hui Xian and I ordered a large french fries and a cup of Ice Blended Honeydew Juice.

They have finished their food and yet, our french fries and beverage haven't up yet! I was like omg? does this restaurant has any feedback paper? I want to tick all sux!

Finally they served the beverage. At first I thought they served the wrong juice coz it was red in colour! Hui Xian and I were wondering Honeydew? Red? Then the waitor looked at me and said It is definately a honeydew juice. It doesn't even taste like honeydew OK?!

15mins later, french fries still hasn't serve yet. Xian said that they went to McD dabao and that's why they took so long to serve the fries haha. I don't want my friends to wait for me and so I cancelled the fries. Han fan! (cantonese)

It's time to bath and assignment! Bye :(

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

3 Days Trip to Singapore!

Helloooooo Malaysia I'm back! As you all know that I've went to singapore for the past 3 days! But it was actually one day go, one day play and one day back! ;( So we have not much time to play. Sorry I have no time to buy soveniour to my fellow friends and family.

The first day of Singapore trip with friends was sitting 5 hours bus from subang to singapore. On the way, we have to go down, go up, go down, go up. so mafan! We have only Huiki, San, Moon and Pipi going together because Debra is going there with her dear :) While Kerlyn, Jamie, Yang and others were living in Sg and so.. they are waiting us!

Yay we are almost there!

As we reached Sg, I saw a pretty girl! Oh that was Kerlyn! with her brother, Yang, Bearz standing there. They were waiting there to bring us back to Kerlyn's house! ;) I was starving and Yang prepared a meal for us, SPAGETTI! Before that, he served tiramisu for us. Tiramisu was nice~ But spagetti... ehem... *Forgot to take picture of tiramisu*

After the dinner, we went outside to have a walk and have some fun, as we have no car and so we used legs to walk around nearby! We saw this and yea...

We order 4 cups of ice creams and the flavours are coffee by San, green tea by Huiki and I, Milo by Moon and Durian by Kerlyn. But we shared together ;) Yummy!

Then, after the ice cream we went to roadside and they wanted to eat supper. I gam fei so I didn't eat any although I ate only 2 mouthful of spagetti only. But I didn't really feel the hunger anymore. hehe!

Okay it's time to go back and we take turn to bath as there was only one toilet available. So, while waiting, we played donkey card and poker together. I feel like I have the same fate with Yang, when he gets the donkey card, next donkey card will be me! And the poker, we didn't play money and we replaced it with points. We kept fighting for points but he won it in the end ;( I was just 2 points away sob

After everyone finished bathing, we went inside Kerlyn's room and played Truth or Dare. Here's the circle! We used card to replace the bottle. Whoever gets the joker can order the number to choose Truth or Dare.

Unfortunately, Yang got the joker and he chose a number which I was so unlucky that I got that number! Okay I chose dare and he asked me to do some ridiculous action which is putting a tissue into my nose hole for 10 times! In other words, I have to put in pull out put in pull out for 10 times! I didn't want to do it and I wasted their time for almost 1 and the half hour.

Finally the joker changed the dare to a better one, which is putting the tissue into my mouth but another half of the tissue has to be outside the mouth. It was like hooking my mouth with the tissue. I didn't want to do it still so I asked people beside me, which is bearz to help me! What an ugly look! San, Yang and Pipi three of you, gimme remember!

Second day here we go! Early the morning after we get everything done, Kerlyn's mom brought us to a restaurant nearby for breakfast. As san said, we are the fans of Milo!!

I ate this ;) Quite delicious but I was so full after I ate not even half bowl of the mee. But I finished it and yea, i'm the last one to finish. Better than san hoho she didn't finish hers. =x

Photos below is Illuma Shopping Centre where we captured these pictures. The wallpaper of the wall was so special that we took lots of picture there haha.

Each of us bought a dress there because the dresses in that shop were so cheap! I wanted to buy more but I couldn't find any dress that I like anymore sob. After the shopping session, I bought only one dress and I was not satisfy with it! We were then went to arcade. Arcade there was totally different from Malaysia! First of all we wanted to catch a toy in the machine but we failed.

We saw a very special game there called "Jubeat" and we played one machine together. Let me took the picture of them first hehe =x Yang and Pipi were the guard of us that day haha. They were actually went to Coffee Bean when we were playing. Pipi was craving for LINE! He wanted to online lol~

The game was fun and so each of us play one machine. Moon and San said they will definately go to arcade and play this game everyday if Malaysia's arcade have this game. Say cheeeeeeese and thumbs up!

Jamie has came to meet us! Then we headed to Bugis street and sapu. Pipi and Yang went to Burger King and waited for us to sapu as Pipi was craving for LINE! The saddest thing was I couldn't find anything I like and overall I sapu nothing there but only a dress I bought just now. ;( I was sooooo tired and my shoulders were extremely pain that I couldn't tahan anymore. So we went to burger King and rest but Huiki, San and Moon wanted to shop again! geng

Kerlyn, Jamie and I were waiting inside the Burger King with Pipi, Yang and Kerlyn's brother. Kerlyn asked me accompany her to buy some balloons for heartsbabe. 10 balloons cost $26 with a heavy star *to support the balloons from flying away*. When I converted it to Malaysia Ringgit, I was like omgosh so expensive? RM60 swt. Anyway thanks Kerlyn jie for the balloons! ;)

Dinner time? too early for dinner but too late for lunch haha. So lets call it tea time. But tea time doesn't suit the food we ate there lol. Huiki, San Moon and I shared 2 plates of meal togeher with 4 drinks for each of us and it costs each of us RM41. Expensive but it is worth after all coz we have lots of fun there ;)long long one time mah! nvm lar! haha

After the "tea time", we headed to @scape by MRT and Huiki went to find a T-shirt for her bf ;) but she didn't buy it. We are then went to Toastbox restaurant and have a break there. On the way to somewhere *I forgot*, My shoulder tio birdshyt and I was like OMGOSHH! WTF!! HELP ME!! so dirty ishhhhhhhh! From that second, I just want to go back asap to bath! and guess what? Yang tio birdshyt in the morning! Yea told you! Yang has the same fate with me! I wonder how can he tahan the dirt of birdshyt from morning till now @@

But they still want to shop and so they bring me to toilet and wash off the birdshyt first. I was just kept complaining all the way because the dirt of the birdshyt makes me think of many other things! I just didn't want to stand it any second. After an hour i think? Finally it's time to go back.

While waiting for taxi, pipi was helping us to carry part of our stuff we bought

Right after we reach Kerlyn's house, I terus go to the room and get everything I need and bath! Phew! I'm clean now haha~ but they all haven't bath yet then they said we are going for supper with Debra =x

Debra was too far away from us as we have no car there. So we cancelled the supper with Debra and we went to a restaurant and have supper ourselves.

On the way back, we passed by a playground and I thought of a video which 2 swings were swinging like there were really someone playing with the swing. I told them the video and they started to feel scare and walked very fast.

When we walked in to a lift (Kerlyn's house was located at 16th floor), the lift rang and it shows overweight. But there was only 7 of us! It's impossible because last night the lift rang only when we have 10 people in the lift. It can only fit 9 people. Then all of us went out and went in again. The lift rang again and so, we chose to use another lift and this lift didn't rang

We celebrated Kerlyn's birthday before we sleep! After we done taking shower, Moon tries to stay her in the room and the rest prepare the cake with the candle outside, when we are done, we switched off the light and we asked Kerlyn out. We sang birthday song for her haha.

Third day of sg, leaving. Actually we planned not sleep yesterday as the bus is leaving at 7.30am and we have to wake up at 5am. But we were too tired and we fell asleep! Yea the conclusion was, we overslept and we rushed to the bus stop hehe. Kerlyn insisted to come along with us. The last shot of us in Singapore.

For the whole 5 hours in bus, I was just sleeping like nobody's business. I was sooooooo tired! The first night in sg I slept for only 3 hours and second day 3 hours also. Anyway, it was a nice trip and I have lots of fun there. The only thing was, I bought only one dress and T-shirt there. Sad! ;(
