
Friday, August 27, 2010

Nice day with friends

I lost my macbook charger for many days and finally I found it back and it was in my brother's room! I remember I asked them many times: where's my charger? Have you seen my charger? Did you take my charger? but they were just either ignored me or answered me no. Finally my macbook is alived and first thing I need to do now is blog ;)

Well today I went out with my beloved laopo, sansan and pipi.

My sister fetched me to connaught and then Khai fetched me from there to Mid Valley. Of course, with her gf and sansan.

Sansan and I were starving but the movie is starting soon. We rushed to McD and have a very quick breakfast there.

We watched two movies today, Repomen and Step up 3. For Repomen, you will never know the movie ends in that way! I thought it was a happy ending but out of sudden, okay watch it if you wanna know ;) Step up 3, their dance was amazing! Nice :)

For the second movie, we have a quick shots in the cinema before the movie starts! The flash was strong and bright and we were sitting second front row. Hope back people wouldn't mind about it hehe. Actually we just wanted to capture the ice cream we bought.

Between the two movies, we have around one hour free time and so we went to Sushi King and have our lunch. Maybe I have eaten too much at McD, so I ate only one plate of sushi and drank many cups of hot green tea. I was soooooooooo full that I couldn't stand up and lazy to move my body lol

It was time to go back after the movie. I went to their house and waited for my sister Suki to pick me up. Oh ya before I went back to their house, I bought something. Huiki bought it too. You all will know it later hehe.

Right after we went back, Huiki and I started to use the thing we bought just now.

I guess you all should know what we bought? Yea we are dying our hair! It took me about 1 to 2 hours to get everything done. The smell was making me so uncomfortable especially my nose, I couldn't stand it! But the hardest thing was washing it away with water. I squatted down with my head down for almost half an hour to avoid the shampoo from touching my face. But we camwhore a lot while waiting the shampoo be washed away haha

Tada! The colour I bought was actually very bright but due to my very black hair, it came out with this colour! Hmm... Sansan and Huiki said it was nice. My sister said it looks weird! Because she used to see my hair half black half brown haha.

Actually I didn't really see the difference of the colour but my friends did. tata :D

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

First day college after sem break

Yoohoooooooo~ Here comes my first day of college after my long sem break ;) Today was actually the second week of college but the "real" classes start from today and I have a very hard time this morning.

First, I couldn't put contact lenses into my eyes. I put it in but it was red and filled with tears right after i put in. I took it out, my eyes back to normal again and I tried to put the contact lenses into my eyes again but it failed AGAIN! *white flag*

Second, my sister told me that the car is out of pertrol and we have to refill it asap because the "needle" has already pointed to the EMPTY. The most unlucky one is, when we requested for help to refill like what we used to do cause we didn't know how to refill it, he told us that he has to take care of the cashier while the other workers don't know gone where. Was forced to refill ourselves and my sister insisted me to refill it for her!

Yay let's celebrate sister, for our very first time refilling and we finally did it! We actually had a hard time refilling the petrol sob

What I usually do in the car was putting on make up. Save time! hehe ;) But with the driving skill of my beloved sister, I tried my very very best putting on mascara.

My beloved sister, suki

Today's timetable was kinda suck. In an accurate way to say, it was really suck. We have two classes today, one at 8am and another at 4pm. I have 6 hours break in between! Where else I can go? S.Pyramid of course, with my gang ;)

Me, Xian and Elaine

We watched a movie. I love it I love it I love it! Must watch!

Then we shopped for few hours. Guys shopped first then girls. Look at them! Gay haha

On the way back, it was so jam that we have jammed inside the Taylor's lakeside campus for 45min. Gonna rain real soon.

Ringringring "hello wendy? study at pyramid? okok" That was my sister obviously. I knew it before she spoke to me. I have to go pyramid and wait for her! The best place to study, what cross your mind? starbucks of course! ;)

Chocolate Cream Chips ♥

Look at them doing their work so serious and concentrated and we really must learn from them, yea we must. But sorry to tell the truth that they were actually acting! The one Wendy on phone was real haha

I drank the largest size of chocolate cream chips and I finished it within 15 mins. When comes to ice cream or chocolate cream chips, I can finish it really really fast compare to the other food. I was so cold that I kept shivering nonstop after I finished my drink.

My sister took this picture when I was using itouch to entertaint myself. Hellooooo I don't think my sister is concentrating?

We started to camwhore and yeah, they didn't concentrate! Was that because of my present? Heheee i don't think so

They decided to have dinner first and we used some times to choose restaurant. Finally, we chose Sushi Zanmai. On the way to Zanmai.

The restaurant was soooooooo full. We didn't want to waste time waiting as the purpose of coming to pyramid is not eat, but study. So we decided to change restaurant. But I took pic with zanmai restaurant ;)

I forgot the name of the restaurant but the food there was quite nice. Wendy likes to drink soup and she introduced us this restaurant because of the availability of the soup there!

"Let's order some dishes of vegetable and meat, 3 bowls of rice and one soup." Wendy said.
"Yaaaaa! Like what chinese did!" My sister said.
"Japanese has the same culture too, okay?" Wendy said again.
"Malays too... Ya and also indian" I said.
"Thai and korean too" Wendy said again.
"OKOK! You both stop already!" My sister said.

Okay we were not being racist and we are not racist. Please take note on that ;)


Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Random day

Okay I must say that today was really a random day outing with my college friends. It was not a plan at all where it started from the time I fb-ing and suddenly woon sin told huixian that hanyuan will fetch her and then me to cure our boredem. I thought it was just joking and few minutes later, han yuan called me and asked me to get prepared. I was like huh? are you sure? All the way from subang to cheras huh? Another few minutes later I called again and he told me that he was just joking. I was like what's wrong with him?! and continued with my facebook.

ZZzzzzzzZzzzzzZZzzz *handphone vibrating* Hello? What?! You are now infront of my house?! Okokokok... I go get ready... I was totally speechless with hanyuan of his surprise as he didn't give me some time to prepare. Ok fine just change my pants and i'm off to go. Oh wait a minute, my fringe! My fringe was tied like a coconut tree as it was too long and it irritates my eyes. The moment i untied it, it looks like i have just release from the mental hospital. Goshhhhhh nvm let it be, we are not going anywhere that is grand. heeee

It was really random that we decided to watch movie on the spot cause we have got nothing else better to do, and yea we bought tickets ;) The show we gonna watch is The Expandable.

After the show, I was actually quite blur with the movie but still I'm following the story line. But it was kinda fake as there were only 5 people to defeat the whole village of army and they ended up with victory. That's what my friends said and I feel the same too ;)

After homed, I on facebook again and this few days I spent my time in this game! It was introduced by my friend huiki ;)

Oh ya I'm in love with this song and I like the mv too. Especially Yoona. She's very pretty! ♥

Please do leave me a comment